Thursday, November 13, 2008

7 Quirky things no one knows about me . . .

Tagged by my cute sister Taisley . . . 

1. When I load the dishwasher, I'm particular and consistent where I put the utensils . . . first & second compartment are for sippy lids, then kids' utensils handle-side up, then all spoons (lg and sm) handle side down, then all forks (lg and sm)  handle side down, then knives handle side down, then other serving and cooking utensils in the last two. Makes it so much easier when emptying the dishwasher.

2. I cannot leave the volume number in the car on an odd number. Doesn't matter if 12 is too loud and 10 is too soft . . . I just cannot go for the odd number. Unless it's 15 - then it's OK - seems like a solid odd number to me.

3. (Kinda similar to Taisley's, but a little different) - if there is a silky type fabric around a blanket or even part of the blanket, I rub them together. Dunno - just like the feel of the fabric sliding yet having a bit of friction. I think it was more prominent when I was a kid - I don't have a blankie with a silky border anymore. 

4. I never dip my cookies in milk. I think it's disgusting. All that soggy cookie (what a waste!) and that lumpy milk (gross!!!!). But I love to have a glass of milk that I drink while eating a cookie. But I never have the two in my mouth at the same time.

5. I keep my kids' closets more organized than my own. Church pants then sweaters then shirts then vests. Long sleeve polos, long sleeve tee's, short sleeve button downs, short sleeve polos, short sleeve tee's. My clothing isn't nearly so organized.

6. It may not seem quirky to all of you in the lower 48, but I tend to keep my shoes on all day long. Custom here is that you take your shoes off at the door. I don't like to walk around without something on my feet. In summer it's my flip flops, in winter it's socks and shoes. I hate taking them off at other people's homes (but I do - don't want to go against custom!)

7. My husband thinks it's ridiculous - I wear CHURCH SHOES to church. Yes, slippery, wobbly heals. I just can't go all practical to church. It's not often that I get to dress up and I want to feel feminine at church. So regardless of rain, snow or ice, I still wear my heals. 

I TAG: Ronalyn, Dulce, Teri C., and Rachel R.


The Weston's said...

i had no idea about the radio volume. We are seriously so much alike, i am contstantly surprised. I though i'd heard it all....

Tiffanie N. said...

Dishwasher, car volume, kids' closets and church shoes - DITTO! We should hang out more . . . or maybe we would just drive eachother crazy with the silly quirks. Mat thinks I'm crazy about the dishwasher and the car volume.

Rachel said...

OK, I listed mine too... They were so fun to think of!

Run-alyn said...

I'm getting there... :)