Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Strong friend - strong influence

It's been a while since updating . . . about as long as it's been since I stalked my favorite blogs . . . I start with my sister's of course . . . then I check out the happenings of an Alaskan family in Saudi Arabia

Today I stopped there so I could share the influence of this amazing family . . . (I miss you Michelle!)

So out of the blue (at least to the rest of us) this fabulous young family with three little boys announces that within a few weeks, we're losing them and a compound in Saudi Arabia is going to be their new home. 

I can't tell you how absolutely amazing this family is. Both Dan and I have gotten to know them through church callings and social ties - and we both really feel a void. But I tell ya'! They are living an amazing life and seeing amazing things and teaching their boys amazing life lessons. 

How inspiring!!! I pull a lot of strength from their stories and experiences. I just can't say enough of how much I admire them. 

Miss you guys so much!!! Lots of love and prayers - and keep updating - we love it!

So - now I'm off to see how far down my list of blogs I get before I have to give up and get something done.

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