Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Sweet Eme

So about 2 weeks before Emery's baptism . . . with the weather starting to allow for outdoor existence, Emery headed out to ride her bike. Not 10 minutes later, she comes inside and tells me, "Mom, I had a feeling of danger outside. I don't know - but like an animal or something like that." So we talked about her feelings and that our Heavenly Father speaks to us through the Holy Ghost - in promptings and feelings . . . we talked about how she may never know if those feelings she had were because of real danger, or just a fear. We talked about how glad she was that she followed those feelings regardless . . . and she went on to play inside.

About 30 - 40 minutes later, Harrison and Jackson were out on the trampoline - with a view into the next culdesac over . . . they came inside to tell me they spotted a moose over there - hmmmmmmmm . . . Emery and I concluded that perhaps this moose had been closer to our house - in the woods that run along both culdesacs - and maybe just maybe - her being outside alone was not such a good idea. The next morning . . . from our front door - we saw the moose again. It was hanging around our house that week . . . probably more than we knew. All of this was a perfect and beautiful lesson for her - just 2 weeks before her baptism. It solidified her understanding of the Holy Ghost and gave her experience in feeling and listening to it. After she was baptized, she was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and given the Gift of the Holy Ghost - a constant promise to have that spirit with her to guide, comfort, warn and testify of the truth. We are so proud of her - she really is a very special daughter of God!

1 comment:

Juannaelmi said...

What a wonderful experience for her to have before being baptized, and how wonderful for her to have you as her mom to explain it so well.