Saturday, March 28, 2009

Little Old Man

A week ago today I was in our Doctor's office lamenting the possibility of Aidan's leg needing a cast. The night before - he and Harrison were sliding down the McDonald's Playland slide - Aidan's leg got caught under Harrison's and from that moment on - there were tears, flinches and no weight put on his right leg. So we got him an appointment and the little trooper did well for about an hour and a half - even through the X-rays - but the last 45 minutes (when the Dr. was tracking down the images from radiology) he just wailed. Not because of the leg - but because he was so tired and hungry - and probably frustrated, too, that he couldn't just run around like normal. There were no visible breaks - and nothing to be done - so we went home hoping he'd get better on his own. He's shown improvement daily - but he's still limping - he looks like a little old man shuffling around. When he's serious about getting somewhere he just drops to the floor and power-crawls. 

He absolutely LOVED this magnetic puzzle in the Dr.'s office - and immediately started moving the pieces from their complete position. I was shocked that he knew just what to do and had the coordination to do it. He's growing up so fast. My baby's not a baby anymore!

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