Throw something back in the laundry just because you don't want to iron it or deal with hanging it up at the moment???
Stay locked up in the bathroom for a loooooooooooooong time . . . just so you can be alone???
Pay your older kids crazy amounts of money to help keep the younger ones tear-free while you finish this round of Wackee 6???
"Wipey" a kid down and call it good on a bath???
Pull out the vacuum and turn it on so you can tell the kids, "Honey, I can't hear you . . . you'll have to wait until I'm done vacuuming." That white noise is sometimes heaven!
No??? Oh, me either . . . I've never done any of that . . . I was just asking.
1 comment:
OH NO - I don't do ANY of those things!!! Whatever - I am all about bribery and little white lies. My kids know that my bathroom is my refuge and they cheer when I serve cereal for dinner - only the vitamin enriched kind of course. I think most of these behaviors are learned after you become a mom, especailly as you add children to your family. It throws you into survival mode.
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