Thursday, April 9, 2009

I did it!

So Saturday night I set up a stool in the kitchen - and begged Harrison to be a good sport while at the same time bribed Jack with a big Airhead (candy) . . . and I cut their hair. I got a set of clippers and told myself to just go slow and start with a longer extention . . . cuz you can always go shorter . . . so I'm pretty happy with things - I got Harrison and Jack done . . . but I'm procrastinating Aidan - he's more wiggly and less bribe-able! I do hope to get better and better - at least in knowing how to cut them individually - they both have some strange hair patterns and cowlicks - if anyone has suggestions as I learn this, let me know!


Juannaelmi said...

hooray! Good luck. I still don't ever give Justin or Nate the same hair cut twice and I have been cutting their hair for a long time.

Hoopty said...

my wife cuts my hair almost every time. she has it down. just buzz it and it is all good. granted i know longer have a full head of hair, but she does a marvelous job.

The Weston's said...

I am so proud of you! :) I love cutting the boys' hair. Makes me feel.... domestic.