Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Great day!

So thanks to all the well - wishes . . . I had lots of great birthday sentiments.

Made up for all the stress of my not so perfect birthday!
*Taking my two little boys AND another little guy visit teaching
*Jumping my van because I left the radio on for less than 2 minutes
*Spending over 3 hours back at the Dr's office getting yet more x-rays telling us Aidan doesn't have a broken leg . . . even though he's still limping!
*Taking all 4 kids to the store so I could invoice new product

But it all ended well when Dan came with cake, a rice crispy treat, Target gift card and flowers - then when we got home, there were more flowers and a pie on our door step - then watching American Idol w/ Dan. Guess it really WAS great - especially cuz we did the official celebrating yesterday - Dan took the kids for me - I got to work the store w/out them . . . then we had pizza for dinner (no cooking is a great gift!) and I got Twilight & Dan watched it with me. So - now that it's not my b-day anymore (12:20 Wednesday) I can say it really was good - but you can tell I'm tired - can't form a sentence. Going to bed - thanks to everyone who called and couldn't catch me - I appreciate your calls! Lots of love! Tonya

Oh - almost forgot though - we saw a mouse tonight - well, (I) didn't - but Dan, Harrison and Emery did. EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW! Guess I gotta get some mouse traps w/ my gift card!

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