Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Rare Moment

So Aidan's limp continued and worried us enough that we decided to have his leg checked again - another set of x-rays and another no-break diagnosis . . . today he's doing great and seems to be almost back 100% - but that day we were back in the Dr's office, I was worried - again it was during his nap time and he was going to need snacks and toys - so I did go a bit more prepared, knowing we'd be there F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!!! Fortunately, at one point, he did fall asleep in my arms - a VERY rare moment!!! My kids have all been pretty good at going down to sleep (as long as they were in a crib). We'd just put them down with a kiss and walk out - made for a little less enjoyable day at church - when rocking them to sleep would have come in handy - but instead, they'd fuss fuss fuss because we didn't just have a bed to lay them in - anyway, it was a very rare and sweet moment. Not often have I had the chance to just hold my sleeping baby (after infancy) and it was so calm and peaceful. A moment just for us - He's a snuggle bug and I just love him - with a little sadness in his growing up - it just goes so fast!

1 comment:

The Weston's said...

ahh man. I know! I am so sad that Sawyer is walking around. too fast for sure. :( And i am pretty sure we are done.....