Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm a Soft-y!

Photo by Ronalyn Barut September 19, 2008

So have you ever just told your kids, "Stop touching me!" ? ? ? Well, I have to admit that at times I have had so many little grubby hands touching, poking and smearing at me that yes, I have told my child not to touch me. A couple weeks ago Jack was busy bugging me and I said, "Can you please just not touch me right now." His response melted my heart!!!

"But mommy, you are so soft." 

He then proceeded to stroke my arm - and I enjoyed every second of it!

1 comment:

The Weston's said...

oh my heck- I am totally going through something with Benny on this- ya know how he is totally a skin- dude? so, these last few nights he just rubs and rubs and rubs my arm until i am full on awake and tell him STOP TOUCHING ME!~ and then i feel bad, he is just using me as most kids use their blankets- but uhhh i am going to have rashes on my arms.