Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Not just a mere dusting!

Alright! So we were hit a bit more with snow. I think I really am in denial - except that yesterday morning - after opening the blinds and waiting for the shock to subside, I went out and built a snowman with Jack. Dan had been shoveling the driveway and Jack kept running out in his thermal jammies without shoes - Dan took pity on him and helped him get on boots - then went out and played for a minute. They started rolling a big snow ball - and Dan had to leave for work. Consequently, I had to deal with a grumpy child with no other objective than to get back out in the snow. So we bundled up. Poor little Aidan. He couldn't sit in all that snow gear, and he couldn't walk in all that snow gear and the large boots that fit over his feety-jammies. So he ended up laying in the snow most of the time - until he figured out how to take off his boots - then he struggled to a stand and soaked his feety-jammies. Fun morning - but we left the snowman sans accessories until the older kids came home and they added a few meager branches. Days like this shock and please my husband. What with me getting outside in the snow and allowing the boys to just run free. What can I say? Keeping the marriage alive with a little shock and awe sometimes! No - really I do enjoy doing it. It's just the getting ready, and the getting undone that has me less than thrilled. 

Unfortunately the snow man is no longer standing. I guess Harrison mis-interpreted Jack's desires when he told Harrison he wanted to break down the snow man. Apparently, he didn't really want to break down the snow man. Hey, with a three year old, there's a lot of mis-interpretation!!!

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