Thursday, August 7, 2008

Did I make a Mistake, people???

If you checked in last night - you know my day was filled with poop, poop and more poop, what you need to know now is that there was yet ANOTHER poop accident with Jack. It's a good thing that kid's the cutest thing I've ever seen! Because I had more than had it, right? So I cleaned him up, bathed him, put him in a diaper for the first time in 2 weeks and put him to bed. I'm done . . . it's been 2 weeks now and he's had at least one poopie accident every day . . . the most has been three - like yesterday. I just can't deal with those odds anymore.

But here's my problem . . . did I just undo all the work ? Would he have gotten it with one or two more days? Did I make him sad because he's back in diapers? Oh please, someone who had a hard time training . . . HELP! What on earth am I doing wrong?

My sorrow wouldn't be half as bad if it weren't for the fact that he's signed up for preschool - it starts in 3 or so weeks and the kiddos need to be mostly self-sufficient in the restroom. I know that isn't the way this is headed . . . so I may have to pull him out of registration. That makes me sad. I know he would LOVE preschool - he'd do so well - and I would love him to be in preschool. I'm all for "absence makes the heart grow fonder!" So I'm going to make a final decision within a week . . . full speed potty training ahead -or- let him take his own pace and keep him home another year. Any suggestions? Any miracle potty training methods? Please let me know if you have one - one that deals with kids who have already been introduced to potty training - and haven't jumped on the wagon so easily. Don't give me one of those potty training in a day things - I think they only work if it's the first time introducing the concept. Why oh why don't they have summer potty training day camps???? Someone could make a lot of mula!

1 comment:

Tiffanie N. said...

Don't take him out of pre-school. That could be just the thing that will motivate him to want to be potty-trained.

Anyone who says potty-training is easy is lying! But it will come. One day you'll just realize that diapers are no longer a part of his life.