Saturday, May 31, 2008

A to Z . . . now you know me

Thanks alot, Rachel for tagging me!!!

A: attached or single? Attached - just a week and a half from our 10th wedding anniversary
B: best friend? My sister Taisley
C: cake or pie? Cake for sure - especially the batter!
D: day of choice? I love weekdays when Dan is off work - something fun about that
E: essential item? My camera
F: favorite color? Brown . . . it goes with anything; pink, green, blue
G: gummy bears or worms? neither - I give most gummy things to my husband
H: hometown? Bountiful, Utah until I was 14, I consider all of Utah my "hometown"
I: favorite indulgence? Starbuck's cinnamon coffee cake and fat free white hot chocolate (and if I'm really indulging, I'll have whip cream on the white hot chocolate)
J: January or July? Do you have to ask? I live in Alaska . . . for sure July
K: kids? yes, 4 - Harrison (8), Emery (7), Jackson (2 & 1/2), Aidan (10 mos.)
L: life isn't complete without? My family and a scrapbook to document it
M: marriage date? June 12, 1998
N: number of brothers & sisters? Three sisters, a brother, {then me} and another sister
O: oranges or apples? Granny Smith Apples
P: Phobias? Big spiders
Q: Quote? Something like, "The most important decision you'll ever make is who you marry."
R: reason to smile? With my 2 & 1/2 year old, it's either a smile or tears
S: season of choice? Alaskan summers, everywhere else's falls
T: tag 3 people: Taisley and new bloggers Paula & Dulce
U: unknown fact about me? I sang backup on a song recorded by Slaughter {but never released}
V: vegetable? tomatoes - I know, it's a debate over calling it a fruit or veggie - but it goes in my salads, so it's a vegetable to me!
W: worst habit? Interrupting people, even myself
X: x-ray or ultrasound? what does this mean? Ultrasound I guess
Y: your favorite food? a good homemade ravioli w/ white sauce {I miss Uruguay!!!}
Z: zodiac sign? Aries


Rachel said...

Slaughter??? Really? Seriously, Scott will think that is SO cool.

The Weston's said...

ohhh- you are my best friend too- i love ya