Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bargain vs. Brand: Baby Edition

So here are some brands and bargains that we've found while raising our {four} children -
Let's get this one out of the way before I blush . . . Honestly, the best nursing pads out there. Well - I'm not entirely sure if that's true because once I found these, I never needed to try anything else. I don't like people knowing that I'm wearing them - and that can happen depending on shape and absorption. So these are truly great - 'nuff said.
Between Emery and Jackson there are over 4 years. We knew eventually we'd have more kids but we didn't save everything because we knew it wouldn't be immediate. One thing we DID save was our Graco Pack N Play/Bassinet. (And since it's so old, I didn't want to search for a photo of our model - this newer one will do!) It's been a gem. We've used it while on vacation as a bed. We've used it outside to contain crawling babies. I've used it while working to keep my kids close but again - contained. All 4 kids have used the same one. It's still in great shape and I have no intention of letting it go anytime soon.
I've tried all the name brands - and honestly, none of them performs any better than the HUGE gigantor size boxes of diapers available at Costco. There's a bargain I can back! Love 'em.
Ditto on the wipes . . . except I'm even MORE adamantly in love with these wipes. I cannot stand any other brands - they are TOO thick . . . yep, you heard me . . . TOO THICK! They're just not agile enough for me to maneuver a dirty bottom. These wipes, however, are so fabulously agile, yet thick enough for the rough jobs. They also don't have that horrid fake powdery/perfume-y smell to them. I enjoy them so much that long after my children are self-sufficient in the bathroom, I'll have stock on hand for all the many things I use them for. 
Now - here's one that is worth paying for - none of the knock-off brands will do. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of this stuff. I don't know if the claim of helping children fall asleep better has any truth to it - but it's the smell that gets me. A smell that doesn't change with skin contact like the knock-offs do . . . a smell that doesn't fade in moments either. I love bathing the boys with this as bubble bath - and when they're babies - I lotion them up good - even their fuzzy little heads. I could smell that cute little head all night long!!!
It's seriously all about the Costco deals with baby needs. Jackson was a formula baby - not for lack of trying - which is a HUGE understatement . . . but that's for another day . . . I was NOT about to pay for the name brands that probably are packaged from the same line at the same plant - this formula is great - and VERY reasonably priced. And now that we are supplementing with Aidan - we're relying on it once again. 
OK - so because Harrison and Emery are 18 months {and a day} apart, we had a double stroller with them and I couldn't have lived without it. But because we didn't have a glimpse into the future, we didn't know we'd need one again - and when Aidan came along - with just 2 years between he and Jack - we DID need one again. Fortunately my girlfriends threw me another shower and just pitched in money toward something I really needed - and I got the (get this serious name - ) Quattro Tour Duo Tandem Stroller and Travel System. The infant seat matches and fits in the back seat of the stroller. I ADORED this pattern so I ordered it from California and have been absolutely in love with it. I'm torn now because Aidan's almost ready to get into a new car seat and Jack's getting big enough to not need the stroller - so I'm going to have to Craig's List the thing - and it will be a sad day to say goodbye! That thing turns so well!

This is not a photo of the actual bag I purchased, but at Mud Puddle Bags you can see what an amazing selection of handmade bags there are. I got a REALLY big one - and it even went perfectly with my stroller and car seat - got lots of comments on that. I loved that it was large enough for everything I needed when Aidan - and Jack - were younger. Granted, I don't need a bag so large anymore - you can read a previous post on that, but I was endeared to my Mud Puddle Bag - well made, absolutely adorable fabrics, and very functional. I'm sure I'll be pulling it out ever once in a while when I need a bag of that size!
So - as we're transitioning Aidan to formula, I've again realized the importance of this little baby! You have a container with sections for formula powder. You turn the lid, pour the formula into a bottle with pre-measured water and shake it up. Keeps me from bringing a big 'ole can of formula with me to the zoo. This one is the style I like best - I have a couple with different designs, but they don't dump the powder out entirely - too ergonomic-al, I guess. The simpler the better on this product.

Dr. Brown's bottles - they claim to keep your baby from having colic or other tummy issues with some patented venting system. I don't think they were at all better for Jack, but it seems like Aidan is benefiting from them. I like them much better than any other venting-type bottle.

So there you have it - now that we are done having children, I'm passing on my wisdom and experience to anyone out there with babies . . . enjoy!

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