Thursday, June 26, 2008

I've Got a Thing For Bald Men

Here he is - the hottest man on the planet!!!
Not quite so hot - but oh so desireable!

So I'm sure you've heard of these Mr. Clean Magic Erasers - I mean, between the amazing magic of these little sponges and the news stories of children receiving chemical burns from them, you're sure to be familiar with the secret weapon of the most muscular man-maid!
I'm telling you - these things truly ARE magic . . . and since I've never used them to remove permanent marker on my kids' arms, AND never demanded child labor at the hands of my kids - I've only used them as intended, and I'm a HUGE fan. Here are a few miracles this magic eraser has performed:
*Permanent Marker on a White board . . . yes . . . when I worked for Weight  Watchers, my boss used a PERMANENT marker on the white board during a staff meeting. I was managing the center at the time and ran home after just to find the muscular man-maid . . . and the permanent marker came off like a charm.
*Gunk, markers, hand prints, crayon, scuff marks, spaghetti sauce - you name it - I've gotten it off the walls. Amazing though - it doesn't take off the paint that's supposed to be there. You gotta allot for plenty of time though if you want to get some marks off the wall - cuz once you start . . . you wanna keep going until you hit a corner - cuz if you don't - the miracle will shine bright among a dingy wall.
*Scuffs off of white patent-leather shoes - easy shmeazy!
*Soap scum in the tub - comes off great, but I noticed the sponge deteriorates at a quicker rate doing this chore.
*Dingy, dirty white plastic garbage cans . . . you know what I'm talking about - no matter how often you scrub your garbage can, inside and out, there's a dirty residue that just won't come off - until now - comes off with the magic of Mr. Clean!
*Linoleum floors - Dirt, grime, scuffs . . . it all comes off so easily. But like the walls, if you start with one spot - give yourself plenty of time to do the whole floor. (Oh, and I passed a display at the store the other day with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Mops! Had to run or I would have stopped to admire and probably purchase one!)
*Tile floors and laminate floors - same as above.
*Smeared candle ash off of my white counters. If any ash gets on the counter - you try and wipe it up, but it smears all over and won't come clean - with little effort - the marks disappear!
*Shower glass - you know how there's a residue from the dried streaks of water - well, this eraser gets rid of them in a snap!

So I'm sure there are a hundred and one more uses - most of which I've successfully tried myself, but you get the idea. 

Just remember not to use it to take off marks on skin . . . don't know why you would . . . but as it turns out . . . it happens . . . just remember - there's a reason this little innocent looking sponge cleans things up so effortlessly . . . there's gotta be something in it NOT INTENDED FOR HUMAN WASHING. 

So leave the body washing to Bath & Body Works, but grab yourself a bucket-size package of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers at Sam's (if you haven't already!) cuz you're going to LOVE them!


The Weston's said...

he he- you make me laugh :) i love these things too! oh and BTW- why haven't you called me?

Rachel said...

Yep, with 4 kids in 1 house, these are a must!!! I was shaking my head in agreement to ALL of your examples. SOOO glad it takes markers and crayons off of walls. We have a 3-year-old Picaso wanna-be.