Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

{circa 1974}


Top 10 Moments and/or Events with my dad:
10. The Dump - I know - "The Dump?" I hear you say . . . well, it wasn't just a trip to the dump - it was an event every time. We would go to the dump every summer growing up in Utah. We'd pass some memorable & strange metal sculptures, we'd go empty a borrowed truck filled with junk and then we'd go to Pace's Dairy Ann for an ice cream or popsicle on the way home. I don't know how he made the dump a great memory - but he sure did!
9. Daddy/Daughter Date - When I was little, one of my favorite daddy/daughter dates was a 50's theme. We dressed up and learned how to do the gitterbug - I just remember having so much fun and really enjoying the time with my dad.
8. Giovanni - After my Senior Year in High School, my dad and I went on a "date" to a Giovanni concert in Las Vegas. We dressed up, went to a restaurant at the casino, then enjoyed the musical talents of Gionvanni. (Google him sometime - he's quite the talent!) Very memorable night.
7. Summer Job - I can't remember what summer it was - but sometime in High School or College I spent the summer commuting back and forth from St. George, Utah to Las Vegas, Nevada with my dad to work with him. He was the controller of a construction company and had me doing some filing and stuff like that. We spent A LOT of time in the car - in the mornings I was mostly asleep but in the afternoons we talked a lot and I felt like I got closer to my dad during that time than any other.
6. Potato Logs - Once we moved from Bountiful, Utah to St. George, Utah - we did a lot of road trips. We still had all of our extended family in northern Utah so we'd go back and forth often. In Fillmore, there's this gas station that makes potato logs like no other! They are so tasty and every time we'd take the trip, we'd stop for the potato logs and dipping ranch. I can't go through Fillmore and get Potato logs without thinking of my dad . . . he loves them as much as I do.
5. Swedish Pancakes - Ever since I can remember - we've enjoyed Swedish pancakes on special occasions. I think I mentioned Swedish Pancakes in a previous post, but those things are so dang good. My dad has always enjoyed preparing the fabulous meal complete with the pancakes, fruit and whip cream. Every time I make them I think of all the years of tradition.
4. Zions & Bryce National Parks - For more than one vacation we have enjoyed the beautiful grandeur of 2 of Utah's beautiful national parks. My dad loved taking us to both Zion's and Bryce. Memories include hiking, horse-back riding, picnics, car rides through the tunnels and Chuckwagon dinners. The most crazy experience at Bryce was when we planned a fabulous hike from the top of the canyon all the way down. Our strategy was well laid out. We left a couple of cars at the bottom and took a couple trips in the RV to get everyone to the top. So as we get to the bottom, after a LONG day's journey - my oldest sister realizes that she left the keys to one of the cars in the RV at the top. So we smashed 12 people in a Ford Tempo to get to our cabin. Don't think Teresa will ever live that one down!
3. East Canyon - I can't think of East Canyon without thinking of my dad. Ever since I can remember, we've been vacationing at East Canyon - a resort on the other side of the mountain from SLC and Bountiful. We've gone camping in the wilderness areas, we've fished at the reservoir, we've gone on horseback riding trips, we've stayed at the condos and we've had big family reunions there. We've seen moose and bears. We've been in both summer and winter. When I think of my dad and my family, East Canyon is always a part of those thoughts.
2. Days of 47 parade - Utah celebrates Pioneer day on July 24 - it's the day in 1847 that the pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley. There's a huge parade and a couple years my dad parked a big truck and we were able to have a fabulous view of the parade. I remember thinking how grateful I was for my dad's extra care in getting the truck to the spot and making it such an exciting memory.
1. East Canyon . . . I know, I know . . . I already have that one - but this marks two SPECIFIC situations when my dad was there for me. First - when Dan graduated from Vermont Law School, we made a stop in Utah before moving to Alaska. Dan only stopped for a day or so - and my stop was for 2 months. After saying goodbye to my husband - so he could go work full time and study for the bar - I felt such a huge void. I met my family up at East Canyon and honestly wept in my dad's arms. I don't know if he ever knew how much it meant for me that he was there. I needed him to hold his little girl - and he instinctively did. Second - I was at East Canyon with my parents and my kids when I had my miscarriage - or at least had the physical signs of my unknown miscarriage. I had passed out a couple of times and my dad called 911 right away after the first time. I ended up getting life-flighted to the UofU hospital to receive quite an array of medical care. I will never forget his emotions as he talked about seeing his daughter go through that. I was so grateful to have him (and my mom) there during that difficult time.

I love my dad so much and am so very grateful for his love, his lessons and his example.

I hope you have a wonderful father's day, dad . . . and that you are able to feel the love of your 6 children and 13 grandchildren - even though we are all far away. We're so happy with your decision to go on a mission and know you are having some wonderful experiences there. We can't wait to see you when you get back!!! Lots of love!

And to my children's father - you are the greatest partner in the world. Our kids adore you - happy father's day to you, too!

1 comment:

The Weston's said...

I just love that pic of you and dad- :)